This is a picture that you can print and put on your door (if you have a small baby), and it will caution others to be considerate and keep the noise level down.
This one too, it's a little early, because I know nobody graduates for a week or two, but it's up here in advance so that if you don't visit often you can see it. You can use it for tons of things, but I won't list them all now;).
I know this is a tad bit early, but if you don't visit often then you'll get it on time :). You can use as a desktop picture, or print it out and put it in your binder, or simply e-mail it to a friend as a 'rejoiceful image' heh :D. But I'd like to make a couple of things clear: you are not allowed to post these on your blog and claim that you made them, because they are copyrighted and easily trackable. In fact, this is a registered blog, and there is a fine of up to $150 if you claim them as your own. Of couse, no imprisonment, but if you are discovered, you'd better be prepared to pay up! NO KIDDING!!!
And second, please feel free to follow this blog.
Finally, last but not least, please tell your friends about this blog so they can also use these fantastic pictures. You know what you can even do? If you have a blog of your own, you can link to this one, so then others can use these fantasticpictures. You wouldn't want to hog them all up for yourself, would you? :PThanks tons!!!!
You might not think of any uses for this as a card, but you can use it as one anyway, printing it or simply e-mailing it. Or you can use it as a blog background, desktop background, wallpaper, profile photo, etc.
I would like to announce something: if you view this blog please tell your friends about it!!! And once again, feel free to use the pictures for any projects you might have, or just as a card or gift for someone else! Thanks again!
I repeat, feel free to copy these pictures and use them for whatever purpose (provided it be positive:D). They are copyrighted. I repeat, they are copyrighted. P.S. When I say 'copyrighted' I don't mean you can't use them without my permission. Feel free to do that. What I mean is, you are not allowed to use them and say that they were your creation, because that is a blatant lie. Use them, and you don't have to say "made by Kiwilemons" and link to my blog; no, that is not what you are expected to do. What you must do is use them and avoid saying you made them. SAVVY???